From Princeton University Press

Reading Minds:
The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science

Mark Turner

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ISBN 0-691-00107-3. Orders: 1-800-777-4726 (USA and Canada) or 1-609-258-4897. Orders by FAX: 1-800-999-1958 (USA and Canada) or 1-609-883-7413.

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"[A] brilliant exploration . . . [A] very close and convincing argument. . . Turner's work must be highly recommended. [A] welcome antidote to today's fad of theorizing for theory's sake. . . . What Turner has achieved is important to the study of literature. Indeed, on the present North American scene it seems to be one of the most promising approaches."
- Jørgen Dines Johansen. The Semiotic Review of Books Go to full review.

"A solid and original investigation into the theoretical underpinnings of the sciences humaines and an example of a truly interdisciplinary study."
- Donald Bruce, Literary Research/ Recherche littéraire

"To those in the profession of literary studies, no task could be more urgent. Works such as [this] form the vanguard of our understanding; from the research front, they signal the presence of new and more fruitful relationships between the sciences and rhetorical and literary studies."
- Alan Gross, College English

"A marvelous book that leads us deep into the real mysteries of thought and language. The considerable expertise of Mark Turner in literature, linguistics, and cognitive science yields a unique and powerful combination. The book is of great theoretical significance and it is a pleasure to read."
- Gilles Fauconnier, University of California, San Diego

"It is not unusual to deplore the currently marginal situation of the humanities, together with the traditional division of disciplines which separates them from the sciences. What is unusual about Reading Minds is that Turner proposes radical, reasonable, and exciting new solutions to these problems. This book will fundamentally change your understanding of Chomsky, or of Derrida, or of Hirsch--but most crucially of the context of literature."
- Eve Sweetser, University of California, Berkeley

"A philosophically sophisticated work that goes a long way toward an empirically responsible account of the bodily and imaginative bases of concepts, meaning, reasoning, and language."
- Mark L. Johnson, Review of Metaphysics

Other comments on Reading Minds, by Francis Steen and by Alan Richardson in his review of The Literary Mind.

Excerpt from Reading Minds

Home Page: Mark Turner